Testing Automation - learn robot framework in 5 minutes

We will learn how to install robot framework and get started with the real example.

Testing Automation - learn robot framework in 5 minutes

What you will learn

  1. What is Robot Framework
  2. Why Robot Framework
  3. Robot Framework Architecture
  4. Who is using Robot Framework in real world
  5. Install Robot Framework
  6. Example Test Case

Robot Framework is open source automation framework to reduce the human effort by automating the repeated task.

Why Robot Framework

Robot framework has super easy syntax that can be written like human readable English language, very powerful and flexible solutions are automated with the less efforts.

It's built on top of Python and has very extendable support to create own library to meet our requirements.

Robot Framework Architecture

Who is using Robot Framework in real world

Top leading enterprise companies use Robot Framework for testing automation and Robotic Process Automation.

Source - https://robotframework.org

Install Robot Framework

We need python and pip to be install before we start.

Run on terminal

pip install robotframework
pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
pip install chromedriver_installer

Verify the Robot framework installation

robot --version


Photo by Vasanth Jagadeesan from mobilelabs


Robot Framework support .robot files extension only, let's create our first test case file.

Run the code

robot robot-example.robot


Photo by Vasanth Jagadeesan from mobilelabs

Test Report

Photo by Vasanth Jagadeesan from mobilelabs


We have learned about how to setup robot framework and run our first program, In upcoming articles we will explore in detail with the real world examples.

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