Crafting Perfect Jest Tests with ChatGPT(Prompt included)

Discover how to leverage ChatGPT to generate robust Jest unit tests for your TypeScript projects, saving time while maintaining code quality.

Crafting Perfect Jest Tests with ChatGPT(Prompt included)
Photo by Growtika / Unsplash

Unit testing is often the unsung hero of software development. We all know we should do it, but faced with tight deadlines and growing feature lists, thorough testing can sometimes take a backseat. Enter ChatGPT—your AI pair programmer that can help generate Jest unit tests for TypeScript projects quickly and efficiently.

In this article, I'll walk you through how to craft effective prompts for ChatGPT that result in high-quality Jest tests, specific examples you can use right away, and best practices to ensure your AI-generated tests are both comprehensive and maintainable.

From Code to Test in Minutes

Let's say you have a TypeScript utility function that validates user input

// userValidator.ts
export function validateUserData(user: {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  age: number;
}): { isValid: boolean; errors: string[] } {
  const errors: string[] = [];
  if (! || < 2) {
    errors.push('Name must be at least 2 characters long');
  const emailRegex = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
  if (! || !emailRegex.test( {
    errors.push('Email is invalid');
  if (!user.age || user.age < 18 || user.age > 120) {
    errors.push('Age must be between 18 and 120');
  return {
    isValid: errors.length === 0,

Now, instead of manually writing all test cases, here's what you can prompt ChatGPT with

Please generate Jest unit tests for this TypeScript function:


Write comprehensive test cases that cover:
1. Valid input scenarios
2. Invalid input for each validation rule
3. Edge cases
4. Proper TypeScript typing

And here's what ChatGPT generates

// userValidator.test.ts
import { validateUserData } from './userValidator';

describe('validateUserData', () => {
  test('should return isValid true for valid user data', () => {
    const validUser = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      email: '',
      age: 30
    const result = validateUserData(validUser);
  test('should validate name length', () => {
    const userWithShortName = {
      name: 'J',
      email: '',
      age: 30
    const result = validateUserData(userWithShortName);
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Name must be at least 2 characters long');
  test('should validate email format', () => {
    const userWithInvalidEmail = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      email: 'invalid-email',
      age: 30
    const result = validateUserData(userWithInvalidEmail);
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Email is invalid');
  test('should validate age range - too young', () => {
    const userTooYoung = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      email: '',
      age: 17
    const result = validateUserData(userTooYoung);
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Age must be between 18 and 120');
  test('should validate age range - too old', () => {
    const userTooOld = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      email: '',
      age: 121
    const result = validateUserData(userTooOld);
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Age must be between 18 and 120');
  test('should collect multiple errors', () => {
    const invalidUser = {
      name: 'J',
      email: 'invalid',
      age: 15
    const result = validateUserData(invalidUser);
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Name must be at least 2 characters long');
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Email is invalid');
    expect(result.errors).toContain('Age must be between 18 and 120');

In just seconds, ChatGPT has produced a comprehensive test suite that covers valid inputs, each validation rule, edge cases, and multiple error conditions.

Crafting Effective Prompts for Jest Tests

The key to getting high-quality Jest tests from ChatGPT lies in how you structure your prompts. Here are some strategies

1. Provide Context

Start by clearly explaining the purpose of your code:

CopyI have a utility function that validates shopping cart items before checkout.
It checks for valid product IDs, quantities, and price ranges.
Please generate Jest tests for the following TypeScript code:

2. Be Specific About Test Requirements

Tell ChatGPT exactly what kinds of tests you need:

CopyPlease include tests for:
- Happy path scenarios
- Error handling
- Edge cases (empty arrays, maximum values)
- Mocking dependencies
- Async behavior testing

3. Specify Testing Style and Patterns

If your team follows specific testing patterns, mention them:

CopyPlease follow AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert) pattern and use
Jest's describe/it structure. Prefer expect().toEqual()
over expect().toBe() for object comparisons.

4. Request TypeScript-Specific Features

Ask for TypeScript features to be utilized in the tests:

CopyUse proper TypeScript typing in the tests. Please use
type assertions and generics where appropriate.

Best Practices for AI-Generated Tests

While ChatGPT can generate comprehensive tests quickly, there are some best practices to ensure they're valuable:

1. Review and Refine

Always review the generated tests and make adjustments. AI might miss subtle business logic or domain-specific edge cases.

2. Maintain Test Readability

Sometimes ChatGPT generates overly verbose tests. Don't hesitate to simplify and refactor for clarity.

3. Add Missing Edge Cases

Think about scenarios specific to your application that ChatGPT might not anticipate, especially those related to your business domain.

4. Test the Tests

Run the tests against intentionally broken code to confirm they actually catch issues. A test that never fails isn't doing its job!

5. Iterative Improvement

If the generated tests aren't quite right, iterate with follow-up prompts:

CopyThese tests look good, but can you add more tests for the rate limiting
functionality? Also, the email validation test needs to be more robust.

Advanced Techniques

Once you're comfortable with basic test generation, try these advanced techniques

1. Generate Test Data Factories

CopyCreate a Jest test data factory function for user objects that
allows overriding specific properties for different test scenarios.

2. Request Mock Generation

CopyGenerate Jest mocks for the external APIs this service calls,
including mock implementations for success and error scenarios.

3. Ask for Test Suites for Complex Components

CopyGenerate a complete Jest test suite for this React component, including
tests for rendering, user interactions, and state changes.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While leveraging ChatGPT for test generation, watch out for these common issues:

  1. Incomplete Coverage: AI-generated tests might miss subtle edge cases or business rules not explicitly in the code.
  2. Outdated Testing Patterns: ChatGPT might use older Jest patterns if not specifically directed otherwise.
  3. Over-reliance on Snapshots: The AI might default to snapshot testing when more specific assertions would be better.
  4. Mocking Complexity: For code with complex dependencies, ChatGPT may struggle to properly mock everything.


Leveraging ChatGPT to generate Jest unit tests for TypeScript projects can dramatically speed up your testing workflow without sacrificing quality. By providing clear context, specific requirements, and following up with human review and refinement, you can achieve comprehensive test coverage in a fraction of the time.

Remember that AI is a powerful assistant in your testing strategy, but your domain knowledge and critical eye remain essential for truly robust test suites. Use these techniques to find the right balance between automation and human expertise in your testing workflow.

What are your experiences using AI for test generation? Have you found other effective prompting strategies? Share your thoughts in the comments!